Welcome to this exclusive Blog where I will compile some important information on some prescription drugs. Patients who are hooked to various prescriptions drugs will be able to derive precious information at one platform.
Takes extra precaution
Published on December 25, 2003 By jeremyspoken In Blogging
I was scrolling some articles on prescription drugs a while ago. I came to realize that people are more interested in just getting rid of some physical problem rather than to eliminate it altogether. The prescription drugs are dangerous some times. There are several side-effects that we ignore usually. Hey! That could be very dangerous if you do not know about them in theory.
In today’s blog we will see some clinical details of some of the Erectile Dysfunction (ED) treatment drugs that we have been discussing for last few days.
Let us take a sneak-view of Viagra first. Sildenafil Nitrate was assessed for its effect on the ability of men with erectile dysfunction (ED) to engage in sexual activity and in many cases specifically on the ability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity. During clinical efficacy testing a smaller dose was implemented at first. Viagra was given to 3000 patients aged between 19 to 87 years, with ED of various etiologies (organic, psychogenic) with a mean duration of 5 years. Viagra demonstrated statistically significant improvement compared to placebo in all tests. Sexual intercourse was far more successful with Sildenafil Nitrate than under normal circumstances. The study was conducted by the drug manufacturer Pfizer.
Naturally the effective clinical results propelled the sales of Viagra like a summer discount sale. Same goes with its competitive drugs like Cialis. Infact people in Europe buy Cialis ahead of Viagra because of its more effective clinical results. And since the drug suppliers are offering Cialis online with ease, sales have been tremendous over last few months.
New findings on the long-term benefits of Levitra showed that men with erectile dysfunction (ED) taking Levitra reported clinically significant, sustained improvement in erectile function (EF) over a two-year period. Levitra was also shown to be a reliable and fast-acting agent for the treatment of ED in patients participating in clinical trials. Results from the new studies were presented at the Second International Consultation on Erectile and Sexual Dysfunctions, Paris, France, a meeting supported by the World Health Organization. As a result of this Levitra efficacy was evaluated as better than Viagra. Purchasers rushed to get Levitra online. Manufacturers Bayer made a good proposition out of this. Presently Levitra has about 10-15% of the entire ED drug market in US.
For me the entire tug-of-war for the ED drug sales in online. There are print and moving ads for these ED drugs but the actual battle is raging on the Internet. Internet has a brought a new dimension to regulate online drug sales. Sales of Viagra online were susceptible in recent times with various bogus vendors plying business in disguise. Several pharmacies are offering online prescriptions to maximize their sales.
On the contrary millions of Americans swallow pills that are supposed to make them feel better — physically or mentally — but covertly wreak havoc with their body and brain. Many older folks are dismissed as senile, when in fact their drugs are causing their memory lapses and confusion. This was the one main issue why online dealing came under scrutiny. But official are still hoping that with restrictive policies and minute observations the online drug supply with be far more transparent.

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